
Since v1.0.0-rc-6 the decorators moved to pinia-orm/decorators from pinia-orm

Pinia ORM provides property decorators to Typescript users for better type support when defining the schema for an entity. Simply put, decorators replace the need to define the fields method.

The following example defines a User model using decorators on properties that form the schema for the users entity:

import { Model } from 'pinia-orm'
import { Attr, Str, HasMany } from 'pinia-orm/decorators'
import Post from '@/models/Post'
class User extends Model {
  static entity = 'users'
  @Attr(null) declare id: number | null
  @Str('') declare name: string
  @HasMany(() => Post, 'userId') declare posts: Post[]

Of course, you can choose not to use decorators and continue to define the entity schema using the fields method. In such a case, you must explicitly define model class properties that correspond to the field definitions to get correct typings:

import { Model } from 'pinia-orm'
import Post from '@/models/Post'
class User extends Model {
  static entity = 'users'
  static fields () {
    return {
      id: this.attr(),
      name: this.string(''),
      posts: this.hasMany(Post, 'userId')
  declare id: number | null
  declare name: string
  declare posts: Post[]

Available Decorators


Marks a property on the model as a generic attribute type. For example:

import { Model } from 'pinia-orm'
import { Attr } from 'pinia-orm/decorators'
export class User extends Model {
  static entity = 'users'
  @Attr(null) declare id: number | null
  @Attr('John Doe') declare name: string
  @Attr(false) declare active: boolean


Marks a property on the model as a string attribute type. For example:

import { Model } from 'pinia-orm'
import { Attr, Str } from 'pinia-orm/decorators'
export class User extends Model {
  static entity = 'users'
  @Str('') declare name: string
  @Str('', { notNullable: true }) declare address: string | null


Marks a property on the model as a number attribute type. For example:

import { Model } from 'pinia-orm'
import { Num } from 'pinia-orm/decorators'
export class User extends Model {
  static entity = 'users'
  @Num(0) declare count: number
  @Num(0, { notNullable: true }) declare roleId: number | null


Marks a property on the model as a boolean attribute type. For example:

import { Model } from 'pinia-orm'
import { Bool } from 'pinia-orm/decorators'
export class User extends Model {
  static entity = 'users'
  @Bool(false) declare active: boolean
  @Bool(false, { notNullable: true }) declare visible: boolean | null


Marks a property on the model as a Uid attribute type. For example:

import { Model } from 'pinia-orm'
import { Uid } from 'pinia-orm/decorators'
class User extends Model {
  static entity = 'users'
  @Uid({ alphabet: '0123456789abcdef', size: 7 }) declare id: string


Adds a mutator to a property on the model. For example:

import { Model } from 'pinia-orm'
import { Attr, Mutate } from 'pinia-orm/decorators'
class User extends Model {
  static entity = 'users'
  @Mutate((value: any) => value.toUpperCase()) @Attr('') declare name: string
console.log(new User({ name: 'john doe' }).name) // 'JOHN DOE'


Adds a cast to a property on the model. For example:

import { Model } from 'pinia-orm'
import { Attr, Cast } from 'pinia-orm/decorators'
import { StringCast } from 'pinia-orm/casts'
class User extends Model {
  static entity = 'users'
  @Cast(() => StringCast) @Attr('') declare name: string
console.log(new User({ name: 1 }).name) // '1'


Decorators on relation properties accept the same argument signature as their corresponding field attribute type with the exception that model references should be defined as a closure that return the model constructor (to avoid circular dependencies).


Marks a property on the model as a hasOne attribute type. For example:

import { Model } from 'pinia-orm'
import { Attr, HasOne } from 'pinia-orm/decorators'
import Phone from '@/models/Phone'
class User extends Model {
  static entity = 'users'
  @HasOne(() => Phone, 'userId') declare phone: Phone | null


Marks a property on the model as a belongsTo attribute type. For example:

import { Model } from 'pinia-orm'
import { Attr, BelongsTo } from 'pinia-orm/decorators'
import User from '@/models/User'
class Post extends Model {
  static entity = 'posts'
  @Attr(null) declare userId: number | null
  @BelongsTo(() => User, 'userId') declare user: User | null


Marks a property on the model as a hasMany attribute type. For example:

import { Model } from 'pinia-orm'
import { Attr, HasMany } from 'pinia-orm/decorators'
import Post from '@/models/Post'
class User extends Model {
  static entity = 'users'
  @HasMany(() => Post, 'userId') declare posts: Post[]


Marks a property on the model as a hasManyBy attribute type. For example:

import { Model } from 'pinia-orm'
import { Attr, HasManyBy } from 'pinia-orm/decorators'
import Node from '@/models/Node'
class Cluster extends Model {
  static entity = 'clusters'
  @Attr(null) declare nodeIds: number[]
  @HasManyBy(() => Node, 'nodesId') declare nodes: Node[]


Marks a property on the model as a belongsToMany attribute type. For example:

import { Model } from 'pinia-orm'
import { BelongsToMany } from 'pinia-orm/decorators'
import Role from '@/models/Role'
class User extends Model {
  static entity = 'users'
  @BelongsToMany(() => Role, () => RoleUser, 'user_id', 'role_id') declare roles: Role[]


Marks a property on the model as a morphOne attribute type. For example:

import { Model } from 'pinia-orm'
import { MorphOne } from 'pinia-orm/decorators'
import Image from '@/models/Image'
class User extends Model {
  static entity = 'users'
  @MorphOne(() => Image, 'imageableId', 'imageableType') declare image: Image | null


Marks a property on the model as a morphTo attribute type. For example:

import { Model } from 'pinia-orm'
import { Attr, MorphTo } from 'pinia-orm/decorators'
import User from '@/models/User'
import Post from '@/models/Post'
class Image extends Model {
  static entity = 'images'
  @Attr(null) declare imageableId: number | null
  @Attr(null) declare imageableType: string | null
  @MorphTo(() => [User, Post], 'imageableId', 'imageableType') declare imageable: User | Post | null


Marks a property on the model as a morphMany attribute type. For example:

import { Model } from 'pinia-orm'
import { MorphMany } from 'pinia-orm/decorators'
import Comment from '@/models/Comment'
class Video extends Model {
  static entity = 'videos'
  @MorphMany(() => Comment, 'commentableId', 'commentableType') declare comments: Comment[]


Marks a property on the model as a morphToMany attribute type. For example:

import { Model } from 'pinia-orm'
import { MorphToMany } from 'pinia-orm/decorators'
import Comment from '@/models/Comment'
import Commentable from '@/models/Commantable'
class Video extends Model {
  static entity = 'videos'
  @MorphToMany(() => Comment, () => Commantable, 'commentId', 'commentableId', 'commentableType') declare comments: Comment[]

Relationship Options


Marks a property on the model as a hasMany attribute type. For example:

import { Model } from 'pinia-orm'
import { Attr, HasMany, OnDelete } from 'pinia-orm/decorators'
import Post from '@/models/Post'
class User extends Model {
  static entity = 'users'
  @HasMany(() => Post, 'userId') @OnDelete('cascade') declare posts: Post[]