
Pinia ORM Axios plugin comes with various options to control request behavior. These options can be configured in three common places:

  • Globally - options can defined during installation
  • Model - options can be defined on a per-model basis
  • Request - options can be defined on a per-request basis

Any axios options are permitted alongside any plugin options. Options are inherited in the same order, i.e. Global configuration is merged and preceded by Model configuration which is then merged and preceded by any Request configuration.

Global Configuration

Options can be defined during plugin installation by passing an object as the second argument of the Pinia ORM use() method. At minimum, the axios instance is required while any other option is entirely optional.

The following example configures the plugin with an axios instance (required), the baseURL option, and some common headers that all requests will inherit:

import axios from 'axios'
import { createORM } from 'pinia-orm'
import { createPiniaOrmPluginAxios } from '@pinia-orm/axios'
const piniaOrm = createORM({
  plugins: [
      headers: { 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' },
      baseURL: '',

Model Configuration

Options can be defined on models by setting the static config.axiosApi property. This is an object where you may configure model-level request configuration.

The following example configures a model with common headers and baseURL options:

import { Model } from 'pinia-orm'
class User extends Model {
  static entity = 'users'
  static fields () {
    return {
      id: this.attr(null),
      name: this.attr('')
  static config = {
    axiosApi: {
      headers: { 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' },
      baseURL: ''

Request Configuration

Options can be defined on a per-request basis. These options will inherit any global and model configurations which are subsequently passed on to the request.

The following example configures a request with common headers and baseURL options:

useAxiosRepo(User).api().get('/api/users', {
  headers: { 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' },
  baseURL: ''

Request configurations vary depending on the type of request being made. Please refer to the Usage Guide to read more.

Available Options

In addition to axios request options, the plugin can be configured with the following options:


  • Type: string
  • Default: undefined
    This option will inform the plugin of the resource key your elements may be nested under in the response body.
    For example, your response body may be nested under a resource key called data:
      ok: true,
      data: {
        id: 1,
        name: 'John Doe'

    The following example sets the dataKey to data as this is the resource key which contains the required data for the model schema.
    useAxiosRepo(User).api().get('/api/users', {
      dataKey: 'data'

    The plugin will pass all the data within the data object to Pinia ORM which can then be successfully persisted to the store.
    This option is ignored when using the dataTransformer option.


  • Type: (response: AxiosResponse) => Array | Object
  • Default: undefined
    This option will let you intercept and transform the response before persisting it to the store.
    The method will receive a Response object allowing you to access response properties such as response headers, as well as manipulate the data as you see fit.
    Any method defined must return data to pass on to Pinia ORM.
    You can also use object destructuring to get specific properties from the response object.
    useAxiosRepo(User).api().get('/api/users', {
      dataTransformer: ({ data, headers }) => {
        // Do stuff with headers...
        // Do stuff with data...
        return data

    ::: warning Using the dataTransformer option will ignore any dataKey option. :::
    See also: Transforming Data


  • Type: string
  • Default: 'save'
    This option determines which Pinia ORM persist method should be called when Pinia ORM Axios attempts to save the response data to the store.
    You can set this option to any one of the following string values:
    • insert


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true
    This option will determine whether Pinia ORM should persist the response data to the store or not.
    By setting this option to false, the response data will not be persisted and you will have to handle persistence alternatively. The entities property in the Response object will also be null since it will no longer be persisting data automatically.
    See also: Deferring Persistence


  • Type: string | number
  • Default: undefined
    This option is primarily used with delete requests. It's argument signature is identical to the Pinia ORM delete method by which a primary key can be set as the value. The corresponding record will be removed from the store after the request is made.
    Setting this option will ignore any save options you may have set and therefore persistence is not possible when using this option.
    See also: Delete Requests


  • Type: Object
  • Default: {}
    This option allows for your own predefined api methods.
    Please refer to the Custom Actions documentation to learn more.